An important component and key differentiator of our firm’s model is public advocacy.

Brewer, Attorneys & Counselors believes that effective client advocacy is driven by the ability to represent our clients’ interests not just in the courtroom – but also beyond. As such, we regularly represent clients in the regulatory arena, the legislative environment, and the news media. In all of these forums, we are defined by our ability to achieve extraordinary results – and to innovate in pursuit of them.

We formed one of the first in-house strategic communications practices within a national litigation firm. Today, this Public Affairs Group advises clients on a broad array of reputational issues, political and regulatory concerns, and image-building opportunities. We routinely advise clients ranging from Fortune 500 global corporations to enterprising start-up ventures.

Our team of communications professionals specializes in issues and crisis management, and has extensive experience with representing clients on a broad range of public issues that can impact their most valued asset – their brand.

Our advocacy helps clients respond to media inquiries, congressional investigations, regulatory concerns, proactive campaigns, management changes, and interactions with non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

Whether it’s directed at shareholders, customers, regulators, business partners, opinion leaders, or employees, our firm understands that the most effective client advocacy often extends beyond the courtroom – and into the court of public opinion.